Do you sell products or services on the internet?

Would you like to build trust with your prospects by educating them?

Would you like to convert more of your prospects into qualified leads?

Would you like to grow your email list?

If you answered YES to ALL of these questions, you’re in the right place.

We’re Ghost Courses, a ghostwriting agency that specializes in building high-converting educational email courses and designing beautiful landing pages.

Haven’t heard of an educational email course (EEC) yet?

That’s because most business owners and marketers haven’t.

You see, email marketing and lead magnets have been around for decades.

The problem is that most e-books, whitepapers, case studies, reports, checklists, and infographics are useless.

They don’t provide prospects with value and can detour them from ever becoming a customer.

What are EECs and how are they different?

EECs, or Educational Email Courses, are series of emails sent over 5 to 7 days to educate prospects on specific topics or skills, providing value and building trust.

Modern businesses are using EECs instead of traditional lead magnets because they provide prospects with micro transformations that keep them engaged.

Not convinced yet? Learn more about EECs and how your business can benefit from them in our 5-Day Educational Email Course Bootcamp for Service Business Owners.

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